Savings, System and Security (Part 1)
Hi all! I mentioned in my earlier post that sound wealth management requires Savings, System and Security. Let's touch on Savings first. Very often, I'll ask my clients this very important question. You may also mentally ask yourself this question: There are 2 ways of saving money. (A) You spend on things such as paying your bills, credit cards, food, shopping, entertainment, etc, FIRST and you save whatever is left untouched. (B) You set aside your savings FIRST before spending any of your income. Which category do you belong to? 90% of the time, I'll get 'A' for the answer. And 90% of the time, people who chose 'A' will never attain financial freedom. In fact, people who chose 'A' usually WORK FOR people who chose 'B'! People who chose 'B' usually end up financially independent, and may also own businesses and start companies which the 'A's work for. Why? And if you chose 'A', what can you do? First,...