Just Started Working? Consider Term Insurance!
(If you have just started working, or going to graduate soon, you've gotta read this!) Ever remembered the days when you just started working, and someone told you that you have to get some insurance cover? And remember that after paying off your study loan, this loan, that loan, buying work clothes, paying for your handphone bills, giving an allowance to your family, buying that nice bag, and other doodads, there's almost nothing left from that miserable little pay cheque? No money left for insurance? That doesn't take away the importance of insurance, and the possibility of one suffering a misfortunate such as premature death, disability, or major illness. Well, here's a solution. Look at term insurance. They're cheap, they're simple to understand, and they suitable for most young people who just started on their career. There are 5 good reasons why someone who is in the early stages of his/her career needs to seriously consider starti...