Inflation, Inflation, Inflation
Hi all, How's it going? Here are some latest updates on inflation. Let's start with Singapore. According to the Singapore Department of Statistics, inflation ( as measured by the Consumer Price Index , or CPI in short) in 2009 was 0.6%. That's lower than what most expected, given that it was about 6.6% in 2008 (Reference: ) With the latest data, the following average inflation rates for the various periods can be calculated. I've done some work for you and here are the results: Period Average Annual Inflation (%) 40 yr 2.95 30 yr 2.13 20 yr 1.74 15 yr 1.43 10 yr 1.35 5 yr 2.16 As you can see, Singapore's average inflation rates are pretty low, hovering around 2 - 3%. The last 5 years had been relatively higher, at 2.16% A look at the longer term trend (the 40-year period) shows that inflation is close to 3%...